Title Antibody Array 서비스(단백체분석) 20% 할인행사
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Date 2020-08-12
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Antibody Array Service 20% 할인행사!
▶ 행사기간 : 2020년 8월 13일 ~ 2020년 12월 31일

Fullmoonbio's Antibody Array Service

Cytokine Profiling Array
Featuring 310 cytokine related antibodies. Each antibody is printed with six replicates. Ideal for cytokine profiling and inflammation studies.
할인가 110만원/sample
Phospho Explorer Array
This array contains 1318 phospho-specific and site-specific antibodies for protein phosphorylation profiling at specific phosphorylation sites.
할인가 150만원/sample
Cell Signaling Array
Protein profiling array for 16 commonly studied cell signaling pathways with 304 phospho-specific and site-specific antibodies on a single slide.
할인가 110만원/sample
Signaling Explorer Array
With 1358 unique antibodies covering more than 20 signaling pathways, this array is ideal for biomarker screening and pathway studies.
할인가 150만원/sample


실험분석 서비스 문의 : 02-3141-0791, service@e-biogen.com
Antibody Array 이용한 최신논문 일부(이벤트 제품)
Phospho Explorer Array
Protein Phosphorylation Profiling of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration After Autologous Nerve Grafting, Mol Cell Biochem. 2020 Jun 11
JNK signaling contributes to skeletal muscle wasting and protein turnover in pancreatic cancer cachexia, Cancer Letters. 2020 Jul 28.
Gut stem cell aging is driven by mTORC1 via a p38 MAPK-p53 pathway, Nat Commun. 2020 Jan 2; 11(1):37.
Tumor-educated B cells selectively promote breast cancer lymph node metastasis by HSPA4-targeting IgG, Nat Med 2019, Jan 14.
Fibroblast growth factor-5 promotes spermatogonial stem cell proliferation via ERK and AKT activation, Stem Cell Res Ther 2019
Signaling Explorer Array
Characterizing the molecular mechanisms of acquired temozolomide resistance in the U251 glioblastoma cell line by protein microarray, Oncol Rep, 2018 May
HMQ‐T‐B10 induces human liver cell apoptosis by competitively targeting EphrinB2 and regulating its pathway, J Cell Mol Med, 2018
Cell Signaling Array
3,4,5-Tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid methyl ester isolated from Lonicera japonica Thunb. Flower buds facilitates hepatitis B virus replication in HepG2.2.15 cells, Food Chem Toxcol. 2020 March 7
C/EBPβ enhances platinum resistance of ovarian cancer cells by reprogramming H3K79 methylation, Nat Commun 2018, 9(1):1739.
Quercetin inhibits prostate cancer by attenuating cell survival and inhibiting anti-apoptotic pathways, World J Surg Oncol. 2018 Jun
Cytokine Profiling Array
Identification of novel therapeutic targets in the secretome of ionizing radiation‑induced senescent tumor cells, Oncol Rep, 2016

Go to the papers with Fullmoonbio's antibody arrays

Antibody Array 실험과정 및 데이터분석
ExDEGA(Excel based Differentially Expressed Gene Analysis) 분석툴은 연구자들이 엑셀 기반으로 RNA-Seq 또는 Microarray 데이터를 보다 쉽게 직관적으로 다룰수 있어 원하는 데이터를 쉽고 빠르게 얻을수 있도록 사용자 편의를 최대한 반영한 분석툴입니다.