Title DNA/RNA를 실온에서 보관 또는 배송이 가능, Gentegra 제품소개
Writer Admin
Date 2019-05-24
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EVENT Detail
DNA/RNA를 실온에서 보관 또는 배송이 가능!
GenTegra DNA/RNA tube에 넣고 건조시키면 끝!
소중한 DNA/RNA 샘플을 오랜기간 안전하게 지켜드립니다.
GenTegra DNA/RNA     가격표 다운로드(클릭)
- Hydrolysis와 Oxidation으로부터 핵산 보호
- 실온 보관 가능으로 저온설비의 저장 공간 확보 및 이동의 편리
- 장기간 보관 가능으로 효율적인 샘플관리
   * GenTegra DNA- Stability tested for 20+ years
   * GenTegra RNA- Stability tested for 7+ years

- 회수율 99% 이상의 high quality로 다양한 실험에 사용 가능
   (PCR, qRT-PCR, MIcroarray, NGS, Transfection, HLA typing, Forensics 등)
FastDryer™ makes drying samples easy
This FastDryer (GVGT2001) is a simple, economical and convenient way to dry biosamples following application to GenTegra-DNA or GenTegra-RNA. Each FastDryer will accept one 96-well microplates, one rack of 0.3 ml cluster tubes, one GenPlate or up to 48, 0.5 ml, screw-cap tubes. Most samples of ≤ 50 µl will be dried overnight and be ready for storage in the morning. The FastDryer has been tested and shows no carryover between samples.
제품/서비스 문의 : 02-3141-0791, service@e-biogen.com
제조사 : 미국 GenTegra LLC. www.gentegra.com
Simplified Workflow, Long term protection and stability
Apply DNA to GenTegra-DNA/RNA Tubes or wells
Dry for storage or shipping at ambient temperature
To recover, reconstitute in DW for use in downstream applications
Agilent Bioanalyzer (RIN) scores for purified HeLa RNA samples after 3.5 years of mixed temperature, dry state preservation on GenTegra RNA
GenTegra RNA protects RNA samples through several cycles of drying and rehydration. Control was frozen and thawed for each cycle.
GenTegAmplification of mitochondrial DNA in qPCR shows that the 4.5 year old DNA is intact to at least 2.5kb. Ct was normal (19–23 cycles) for all 4.5 year old samples.