Title 샘플 전처리 및 자동화장비, Liquid Handler ACSIA 할인행사
Writer Admin
Date 2021-01-28
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샘플 전처리 및 자동화장비
Liquid Handler "ACSIA" 할인행사
"반복되는 샘플 및 용액의 채취, 분주, 혼합, 분리 등의 파이펫 과정을 휴먼에러 없는 장비인 ACSIA 에게 맡기고 연구자는 본연의 연구 및 제품개발에 보다 더 집중하세요."
단순 액체 핸들링 뿐만 아니라 sample prep, PCR prep, DNA clean-up,
NGS library & capture 가능
▶ 행사기간 : 2021년 1월 28일 ~ 2021년 6월 30일

ACSIA 자동화장비 할인품목

Compact PCR/qPCR
automated pipeting platform

할인가 4,000만원부터(부가세별도)
NGS library preparation
automated pipeting platform

할인가 8,000만원부터(부가세별도)


동영상(NGS Library Preparation with ACSIA Platform)


제품 및 서비스 문의 : 02-3141-0791, service@e-biogen.com
For each of your need, PrimaDiag intends to respond by tuning your configuration in four steps:
1. Analyze and define the application
2. Choose the adapted platform
3. Determine and integrate the suitable accessories
4. Write and optimize your protocols on your specific configuration


Application(Needs) ACSIA PCR Edition ACSIA Clean-up Edition ACSIA NGS Edition
General pipetting tasks
Distribution V V V
Tube to plate transfer V V V
Plate to plate transfer V V V
Serial dilutions V V V
Hit picking V V V
Concentration normalization V V V
Plate compression/decompression V V V
PCR Setup in 96 and 384-well plate V V V
Real ime PCR Setup in 96 and 384-well plate V V V
SNP detection V V V
HLA genotyping V V V
Forensics V V
Sequencing setup V V
Nucleic Acid purification
PCR and sequencing clean-up V V
gDNA from various matrixes V V
Plasmid preparation V V
Next Generation Sequencing
Library preparation for NGS V
Enrichment for NGS V
Sample preparation for LC-MS/MS analysis V V
Cloning & Synthetic biology
Gibson Assembly cloning V
(주)이바이오젠, 서울 영등포구 선유로 13길 25, 에이스하이테크시티2, 304호
Tel. 02-3141-0791, Fax. 02-3141-0792, www.e-biogen.com